What is Z.O.F?

 Z.O.F refers to the Zionist occupation forces. The reason behind using that name instead of "IDF -Israeli defense forces" is the nature of that army and its history in the region.
I don't see any logic using the word "defense" since that army is illegally occupying others lands and continuously attacking and using force to steal more lands and practice all forms of opression against other people.

Here is a direct quote from David Ben-Gurion (their first Prime Minister):
"Let us not ignore these truth between ourselves, politically, we are aggressors and they (the Arabs) defend themselves. The country is theirs; because they inhabit it, where we want to come here and settle here, and in they view we want to take away from them their country!

The real face of Z.Z.F

These are some of the videos, pictures, and reports that shows the inhumanity of I.O.F

Break the bones strategy:

  Using Palestinians as human shields :

Shoots arrested blindfolded Palestinian:

 Beating Palestinian youth:

Shoots a pro-palestinian protester:

I.O.F. Soldier "They are animals, we are humans"


A report on BBC shows I.O.F soldiers wearing T-Shirts with violent cartoons showing pregnant Arab women in the cross-hairs of a sniper's sight with the legend "1 shot 2 kills", and a child being similarly targeted with the slogan "the smaller they are, the harder it is". and other images which prove their inhumanity:

Read the report from BBC

BBC report: I.O.F troops proudly admit the killing of civilians and vandalism during their operations in Gaza:

 Read the report from BBC

Chief military rabbi, gave I.O.F soldiers fighting in Gaza pamphlets urging them to show no mercy to Palestinian people:

Read the report from Press TV

Simmilarities between his extreme religious statement and (abused) verses from Deuteronomy:

(when the LORD thy God shall deliver (your enemies) b4 thee; thou shalt smite them, & utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them nor shew mercy unto them)
(thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars & break down their images & cut down their groves & burn their graven images with fire)
Deuteronomy 7:1-6

BBC : Z.O.F. Kill three international peace activists :

Watch the documentary on BBC

Ex Z.O.F soldiers speak out: